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Defining your network. 

 Our mission is to design and deploy next generation network solutions to empower the next generation of businesses to thrive and exceed in an ever-increasingly competitive landscape.

Our extensive resources and training modules, assisted by our L1-L3 support staff are here to support you every step of the way.

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Power and protect the unique experiences that matter to you.

With the fast-pace advancements in the digital space, customers are eager to engage with your business in ways which you may not have ever considered. 

So you've gone and set the rules of engagement and built the whole 9-yards: apps, chats, and interactive experiences to draw your customers in.

But when it comes time to need a partner skilled in building a modern robust infrastructure to deliver these experiences. That's where we step in.

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International Points-of-Presence


Customers Served

109 (and growing)

Average Projected Revenue Increase


Active users


Member Engagement since Deployment


Chance of Building Repeat Customers


Active vs. Completed Support Requests in the Past 6mo

27 / 4,629

Requests Served in the Past 6mo


The Innovation Behind Our Infrastructure

Our infrastructure isn't based around bringing in money from you. Its based around bringing in money from your customers.

Day in and day out our infrastructure serves data and platforms at scale with some of the lowest downtime in the industry.

Whether its onsite infrastructure, cloud infrastructure, security platforms, and more, XTT is here to help you get the right foot forward, not just for your teams, but for your customers who count on you everyday.

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Our partners and vendors

We're partnered with a multitude of tier-1 vendors to provide you the best experience, tailor-made for you.